The above situation has also been influenced by changes in the specifications and Building code/design standards that have been applied to the design of new structures and the upgrading of existing structures.

Due to changes in ownership and other related issues often times the original tower design has simply been lost.

To overcome these issues, Rohn has invested in design programs, measuring equipment and training personnel that can carry out mapping and re-analysis of existing structures in a matter of days.

Rohn utilizes portable NDT equipment that can measure the materials hardness and can provide an accurate basis for the analysis.

At all stages of the tower mapping process on the site, photographs are taken for record purposes

The measurements taken are accurately noted at the site location and then mapped into CAD drawings of the tower sections at our office.

The concept of mapping a structure and re-analyzing the same can, if performed in a proper manner, provide a safe and cost effective solution to allow for the upgrading of that structure, as opposed to the complete removal and replacement